Sunday, December 27, 2020

Strategy Selection Will Outperform Stock Selection in 2021. Here’s Where to Start.

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Why Strategy Selection Will Outperform Stock Selection in 2021

By Jack Carter, Founder, Jack Carter Trading

Seems like people are feeling pretty optimistic these days…

Christmas just passed. The global vaccination is underway, with more vaccines being added to the effort. You can almost feel a collective sigh of relief as we get ready to turn our calendars to 2021.

The optimism has been felt in the stock market as well, with the broad markets painting a rosy picture.

Stocks have been going higher. These days, making money in the stock market seems pretty easy to a lot of people.

My pizza delivery guy was even telling me about how much money he's made trading stocks this year.

These are the kinds of signals that make me nervous.

Beware of the Mania

People seem to think that, with all the great things ahead in 2021, the markets will continue to be as easy as they are now - that it's just about picking the right stocks and watching them go higher.

Here's a reality check: It's not always going to be this easy. In fact, sometime in the early part of 2021, it's going to get a lot harder.

There's going to be some volatility that is going to catch a lot of people by surprise. That's when inexperienced investors tend to panic, and make decisions that cost them even more money.

I don't like to make big predictions about the future (I prefer to work one day at a time), one thing is perfectly clear to me about the stock market in 2021:

Success will depend more on the strategy people choose, rather than the stocks they choose.

What I Won't Ever Tell You

There are some people out there who will try to tell you they have one or two stocks they are going to tell you about that will allow you to retire for ever. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

The kinds of people who tell you these things are usually the ones who are only in it for themselves.

I left Wall Street because I got tired of getting angry phone calls from greedy rich people. I couldn't take that anymore.

I wanted to help more people like me.

I'm just a regular guy from Gary, Indiana, who lives on a farm out in Colorado. We have done well overall, but we live modestly.

I drive a pickup truck that has over 100,000 miles on it. I like playing with my dog and having nice meals with my wife and my friends.

And I also like helping people generate income using the right strategies in the given market - strategies I know from all of the years I spent working with some of the top minds on Wall Street.

And I can show you how to do this while exposing you to less risk than most traders.

I'm not going to make outrageous promises about how you're going to crush it all the time....

If I ever do, I hope you stop reading my newsletter.

Why? Because I can't guarantee those kinds of things. What I can do is share strategies on a weekly basis that show consistent success. It's something that just works.

Strategy Over Stock Selection

Let me tell you something: Betting on a home run stock every time you invest is just not a way to sustainable success in trading.

In 2021, the right approach will not be about having the right mix of stocks. It will be about having the right mix of strategies.

Something that's been working well and should continue to work well is something I like to call Profit Cycles. We send out alerts on more than 104 trades every year.

We like to use a mix of strategies: covered calls, naked puts, credit spreads, and sometimes just straight up buying stocks.

It's not going to be a pie-in-the-sky every week. But it's consistent. It works.

Success in 2021 will be all about strategy selection. If you want to follow consistent, profitable strategies, check out this link.

Talk soon,


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