Tuesday, October 13, 2020

- you WILL rise! (read this to feel motivated)

If you feel sad, lost, or depressed...

If your health or finances are in the gutter...

If you can’t find people you want to spend time around...

Or if you can’t stay focused...

Out of the ashes, you WILL rise, .

During your life you will be tested.

If you look through history great people — from Martin Luther King to Nelson Mandela — all rebuilt from scratch when they were down.

That’s the hope you must have.

Nihilists say there’s no purpose to life. 

Well, I’m an entrepreneur — a businessman. If you start a business and decide there’s no purpose to it, it WILL fail.

Your thoughts predict your future.

Martin Luther King had a dream — now it's the reality.

Faith is the belief in something you haven't yet seen. Even if you’ve lost it all, you always have faith.

Want to know what separate people who understand their purpose vs. people who don’t?

I’m no expert...

But, I’ve interviewed some of the most-successful individuals in the world.

Here’s a gem from one of my first mentors:

"Tai, the definition of an entrepreneur is  someone who remakes the world in their own image."

Most people give up.

Society pushes them in a direction, but it’s not what makes them happy.

But some people reject society.

They remake the world in their OWN image.

You must be a creator... and create the life YOU want.

When all is lost...

And when you’re at rock bottom...

Take it as a sign to rebuild.

Consider being down as a FAVOR. 

It’s your chance to start from scratch without anything to lose.

Just don’t forget to look at your past so you can keep the best — and forget the rest.

Let the memory of when things were bad fuel your growth.

Appreciate the come up.

Think of the alternative — having it easy.

Most people who have things handed to them are lazy.

When I look back at my life, I’ll never forget when I was dead broke, sleeping on a couch, with $47 in my bank account.

My life was in the ashes.

But out of those ashes, I rebuilt.

If you act with precision, you’ll be surprised what you can do. 

People will underestimate you...

And some people will even try to hold you back.

But as the saying goes:

"Hustle until your haters ask if you’re hiring."

If you have both emotion and logic, you can lift any obstacle.

  • Logic is the tool
  • Emotion is the motivation.

You gotta get both going with precision.

Steve Jobs said, before he died:

"As you grow older you will discover this whole world is built by people not really smarter than you." 

Some people stay in the ashes. 

But you are different, because you've read this far.

Now you understand that it is a good thing that the ashes are there.

Find your vision.

Find your purpose.

And use your power to create it for yourself. 

For more on this topic...

Check out this video.

Stay Strong,

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