Sunday, October 18, 2020

Welcome to Think Clearly

Hello Amazing!

Hello Amazing!

Welcome to the Think Clearly newsletter. I'm so happy that you've decided to sign up and I look forward to share with you the things I'm learning as I go through my own life journey. 

Here's what you can expect: 

In the coming days you will receive a series of Think Clearly newsletters. The first is a series about vulnerability. 

If you want personal 1:1 coaching I offer that via chat as a subscription service. Pay per month. No commitment. Cancel anytime. I know it works and I love helping people that way. Learn more here.

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I'm very accessible. If you ever have a comment or question just hit reply. I can be slow to respond, but I read every email I get and I very rarely forget to respond. Should you need an answer urgently, just follow up again and I will get off my ass. 

Below is one of my favorite issues from the archive. I wrote this when I was thinking about leaving a job that didn't feel right for me. Landing the job had been a big accomplishment and I was only a few months into it. I had a very serious sounding title and an even more serious paycheck. But I was also miserable, stressed, not sleeping well. I was wondering: will this pass or should I get out? 

I began thinking about it as a tree going through the seasons. Here's the sketch I made: 

If you are in a relationship, a job, a marriage, a city or something else, and it doesn't feel right, how do you know if it's best to stay and try to fix it or to leave and go elsewhere? I think it's easy to be seduced by the idea that something look good on paper ("the job pays well", "the city is full of opportunity"). It's also easy to look at something and only see what's missing. What might be best is to look for the roots. The deep essentials. What do you think? Have you mistakenly left something that actually had roots? Or are you stuck in something that sounds great, but doesn't have roots? 

With much love

— Mathias

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