Friday, December 8, 2023

"The Grinder" [Get SEALFit Quest]

Most who come to Get SEALFIT Quest are here for one thing: Excellence.
Excellence of body, health, mind, and spirit.
If you truly want to reach your highest potential in all areas of life... then you are going to want to make absolutely sure you come to Get SEALFIT Quest, starting January 1 for our online preparation, and reaching our peak in-person on February 8-9 in Temecula, CA. Then we will continue follow-up support, guidance, and motivation until the end of March.
For this email, I'm going to talk a bit more about what happens during the in-person segment. 
When we meet in Temecula, you're going to get direct, hands-on training with myself and our best coaches. We'll focus on the fundamentals and techniques of "unstable load" training. This is the very best modality for you to develop an incredibly powerful body (and all that comes with it.)
Near the end of the 2 days, we will put you through "The Grinder," which is a special challenge that will prove to you how far you have progressed, both over the intense live event and since your beginning on January 1.
It's called "The Grinder" for two reasons.
One, it's rough.
It will be a huge challenge for you.
But it will be doable.
Every person who comes to SEALFit Quest will be given the appropriate challenge for their current fitness level. This is a Come-as-you-are event. 

It is inclusive, and every single person will be treated with the same respect, whether they are an olympic athlete, or a lifetime couch potato who's just starting to learn about fitness.
But no matter what, you will be challenged while going through The Grinder.
It's also called "The Grinder" because it will grind out your weaknesses, your fears, and your self-doubt. It is a purifying process that will show you the best of you... the real you.
And what remains... that is what we will develop over the rest of your transformational period.
You'll have the exercises, training videos, community support, and monthly calls to guarantee to get the body and mindset that is truly your birthright.
Some of these coaching calls will be with me. Others will be with Rob Ord, or Mo Brossette, or Melanie Sliwka.
Our mission is to make sure you are steadily evolving to your top goals for your body, mind, and spirit.
Your first step is to claim your spot.
We only have the capacity for 40 people. We don't want a flood of semi-interested "fitness tourists."
Instead, we want dedicated, devoted members that we can help evolve. Since everything is customized, we must keep our openings limited.
You now have the opportunity to claim your spot, months ahead of time, and plan for your incredible physical & mental transformation.

Do it right now, because this chance might not come back.
Click here to claim your spot for Get SEALFIT Quest, and get ready to train with us LIVE on February 7-8, 2023.

Mark Divine

P.S. - This is the first (and probably only) time we're focusing on "unstable load" training. Next year's SEALFit Quest will be very different. So this is not a decision to put off. Act now.

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