Saturday, May 22, 2021

How to spy on Wall Street (& make a fast $9,750)

Next Monday, May 24: Sign up for a free webinar how you can potentially make triple-digit options profits by legally eavesdropping on what Wall Street insiders are plotting.

Dear Fellow Trader,

I know what you're thinking: The LAST thing any of us wants or needs is another friggin' webinar on trading.

Believe me, I get that!

In fact, if I get any more emails from “coaches” or advisors wanting to teach me the secrets of technical trading or Stochastics or Elliott Wave Theory or some other B.S., I think I'll vomit.

But DESPITE all that...

... let me show you RIGHT NOW why you should consider dropping whatever it is you're doing and spending 40 minutes, beginning at 3:00 p.m. eastern on May 24th, watching a no-BS, “cut to the chase,” “full of proof” presentation on a NEW way to make money trading.

Yes, that's sort of hypocritical.

But if you attend only ONE webinar again for the entire rest of your life, then THIS should be it. Seriously.

The presentation is called...

How to “Wiretap” Wall Street to Find Profitable Options Trades
Airing LIVE at 3:00 p.m. EST on Monday, May 24, 2021

Airing LIVE at 3:00 p.m. EST on Monday, May 24, 2021

Listen: You might think there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to trading.

nd as a full-time trader myself and as a former market maker on the floor of the options exchange, I might have agreed with you until about five years ago.

Believe me, I've tried literally everything.

Yet after 23 years in the trading business, I can honestly say there really is a new way to make consistent profits trading – one unknown to 99.9% of investors and traders out there.

It's a brand-new tool that lets you “wiretap” the options market.

With this tool, you can forget all about charting, Stochastics, Fibonnaci retracements, and all of that technical analysis people associate with trading.

Let me explain very quickly... and then give you some quick PROOF of why this is working like crazy, right now, in 2021. (One fellow I know just turned $250 into $9,750 using this approach.)

Profiting from the ONE Investing
Niche That Is 100% Transparent

First off, we ordinary “retail” traders and investors have a built-in disadvantage right out of the gate. You know it and believe me I know it.

Wall Street pros have hundreds of ways to DISGUISE their insider trading activity with Dark Pool trades, block trades and sweeps.

But years ago I made a shocking discovery: there is ONE place where the pros CAN'T completely mask what they're doing... one place where the little guy, like you and me, can discover the truth.

And that's the options market.

You see, options are so leveraged that big insider trades stick out like a hooker in a nunnery.

Here's an example:

Last October, I spotted a massive trade in options on a little-known coal company, Warrior Met Coal, Inc. (HCC). There had been ZERO option activity on this stock for weeks... zero as in NONE... but then on October 30, just when the stock had plunged from $20 a share down to just $15, someone bought 16,093 call options on the stock.

That's right: 16,093 options!

Someone spent $2 million to control $24 million worth of this company's stock.

That was a good sign that an insider or group of insiders knew that SOMETHING big was up.

And sure enough, something was: Over the next few days and weeks, the stock bounced like a rubber ball:

Now, if you were following this, you, too, could have made the same trade.

You could have purchased April 21 “out of the money” call options for HCC for just $1.20 each or $120 per contract. Ten contracts would have set you back $1,200.

What would have happened?

Well, these calls simply went berserk as the price of the underlying shares jumped from $15 a share back up to $20 and then to $25.

The calls you could have bought for $1.20 soared to $6.50 – and your $1,200 investment would have been worth $6,500. That's a gain of 441%.

You could have potentially made a nice $5,300 profit – in just weeks.

Now, this happens over and over again in the options market.

We call this “Unusual Options Activity.” Because, well, that's what it is.

The question is: How do you DISCOVER unusual options activity like this?

Well, it's not as easy as you might think.

However, a few years ago I teamed up with a former Facebook engineer and trader to create a unique trading technology -- using a form of Artificial Intelligence called “neural networks” -- to SCAN the entire global options market 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

This special tool doesn't just look for unusual volume.

It has an entire matrix of proprietary indicators that lets it legally “eavesdrop” on what insiders are doing in the options market – and then instantly flags us so we can probe deeper.

The scanner looks for particular types of options... at particular volumes... for particular prices.

We call this “wiretapping” because this scanning technology lets us overhear what's REALLY going on in the options market – and therefore in the stock market as a whole. The Facebook engineer was so impressed by what unusual options can signal he resigned from Facebook and now manages this online tool full time.

Here's another recent example:

Last August, the wiretapping system picked up unusual options activity on a stock called Fastly (FSLY), a cloud computing services provider.

Someone was spending MILLIONS of dollars on put options, betting the stock was going to crater. If you knew what to look for, you could have spotted the accumulation of put options yourself:

Well, you probably know what happened, right?

That's right: KABOOM, the stock dropped like a cannonball:

It turns out Fastly's earnings were going to be catastrophic... so bad that Barron's said they even impacted their competitors' stocks!

Someone... or a group of someones... KNEW just how bad Fastly's earnings were going to be... and made MILLIONS of dollars by taking advantage of that knowledge.

And here's what I want you to understand – and why you should attend the upcoming wiretapping webinar even if, like me, you HATE everything about webinars:

The Fastly insiders were NOT alone on this trade!

You see, because we were wiretapping the options market, legally eavesdropping on what the Wall Street insiders were plotting, some ordinary folks like you and me ALSO made money on this trade.

A lot of money.

By spotting unusual options activity and emulating the sneaky schemes of insiders, we can often make trades for pennies.

Another example: Recently, we alerted some of our followers to some unusual options activity on a mining stock called Freeport-Mcmoran Inc (FCX).

People were gobbling up call options on this stock with BOTH hands. And our followers did the same, picking up calls for as little as 25 cents (or $25 per contract).

Within a few months, the options went from 25 cents (or $25 per contract) to 10 bucks (or $1,000 per contract) – a gain of 3,900%. That was enough to turn every $250 into $9,750.

That's not “typical” certainly but it made some traders very happy:

Okay, so here's my pitch:

So even if you hate, Hate, HATE trading webinars, like me, show up for this one!

Yes, OF COURSE we will try to sell you something at the end – the Wall Street Wiretapper online options scanning service.

The ONLY way you can get me to attend a webinar is if I can make money – and that's why I'm going!

But you should go for the very same reason: because wiretapping Wall Street is the best way I know of to make money trading. Bar none.

And don't take my word for it, either.

Just so you know, I'm “kinda a big deal” – well, at least in the ultra-geeky, super-tiny world of options trading.

And believe it or not, the Wiretapper service is pretty darn inexpensive anyway, so even if I do talk you into giving it a risk-free trial, it's not as if it's going to cost you much.

Plus, even if you DON'T think you would ever want another options trading service, you should show up for this webinar anyway – again, for the same reason, making money.

That's because I really am laying all my cards on the table.

I'm going to show you how I went from being a typical options trader – technical trading, Stochastics, all that jazz – to ONLY trading options based on this new approach of scanning for unusual activity.

Even if you don't buy our product, this webinar really will blow your mind. I guarantee it.

Of course, it won't cost you a penny to find out what I'm talking about. However, you DO have to register in advance.

And as they always say, we can only have a set number of people on the webinar at any one time. (I used to think that was B.S. until I started doing webinars myself but it's true.)

Also, there is ZERO fluff. We get down to brass tacks immediately.

The purpose of the webinar is to educate you about just how MUCH insider trading there really is in the stock market – and how you can take advantage of this painful reality to make a lot of money very quickly using our brand-new options scanning technology.

We've had people DOUBLE their retirement accounts in a year or two just by following this approach. So I'm not going to waste time.

What's more, I want you to be prepared – so I'll send you some follow-up emails with some info that will help you hit the ground running.

And if you have any questions already, feel free to shoot them over to me. I'll try to answer them before the webinar or maybe during the webinar itself.

So: there you go. Click on the link below and pre-register for the LAST webinar you ever have to attend in your entire life. Just do it. Hold your nose and do it.

How to “Wiretap” Wall Street to Find Profitable Options Trades
Airing LIVE at 3:00 p.m. EST on Monday, May 24, 2021

See you there,

Jonathan Rose
Options Trader and Webinar Hater

P.S. Again, if you think you might want to attend, I urge you to pre-register today while there are still openings. You can always cancel but there may not be any openings later (although we will probably do another webinar sometime this year).


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