POLITICO Florida Playbook: Trump calls on GOP to clamp down on voting — Charlie Crist's mission: Win over skeptical Democrats — Here comes the 2021 session — Finally, something on unemployment
By -Edward Lance Lorilla
March 01, 202130 minute read
Gary Fineout's must-read briefing on what's hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State
The daily rundown— Between Saturday and Sunday, the number of Florida coronavirus cases increased by 5,539 (nearly 0.3 percent), to 1,909,221; deaths went up by 118 (0.3 percent), to 30,852. Between Thursday and Sunday, active hospitalizations decreased by 283 (7.1 percent), to 3,679. 3,017,661 Floridians have had at least dose of the vaccine.
Return engagement — Former President Donald Trump has spoken. Will Florida Republicans listen to him?
Repeat mode — In his first public appearance since leaving the White House, the Florida man gave a 90-minute speech to close out the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando. While a lot of ground was covered, part of his speech included his repeated false claims that the election was "rigged." (He made these comments hours after Florida Sen. Rick Scott agreed on Fox News that Biden won "fair and square.)
Tear it down — Trump also called for substantial and sweeping changes to how elections are run. Trump asserted that the election should last for just "one day" — essentially dismantling early voting, a practice that gained in popularity among Florida Republicans during the 2020 general election. As Democrats turned to mail-in voting because of the pandemic, 1.9 million Republicans chose to vote early compared to 1.4 million Democrats.
You won't have mail — Trump also called for rolling back excuse-free mail-in voting, a method put in place by the GOP-controlled Florida Legislature, and limiting it primarily to people who are sick or out of the country. (Trump voted by mail during the 2020 Florida primary.)
The challenge — While Gov. Ron DeSantis has embraced several changes to election law (despite calling the 2020 election a great success), none of them come anywhere close to what Trump endorsed on the Orlando stage. During his remarks, Trump said Republicans should "be ashamed" if they did not overhaul elections in the way he outlined.
— WHERE'S RON? — Gov. DeSantis is scheduled to be in Tallahassee.
Have a tip, story, suggestion, birthday, anniversary, new job, or any other nugget for Playbook? Get in touch: gfineout@politico.com
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'I WONDER WHO THAT WILL BE'— "Trump teases 2024 run in CPAC remarks, as he looks to keep his grip on GOP," by POLITICO's David Siders: Donald Trump still has grievances to air — and a Republican Party eager to bask in his indignation. In his first major address since leaving office, Trump on Sunday laced into his Democratic successor, Joe Biden, chided "establishment political hacks" from his own party and pressed his false claim that he won the November election, which he lost decisively. And to an explosion of applause, he suggested he may run again in 2024. "Who knows?" Trump said at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Fla. "I may even decide to beat them for a third time."
Naming names— Trump's aides had urged him before speaking Sunday to focus his ire on Biden and the Democratic Party, while limiting mentions of his disputes with Republican lawmakers who have criticized him. Instead, he blistered by name the Republicans who supported his second impeachment, including "grandstanders" like Sens. Mitt Romney and "Little Ben Sasse" and the "warmonger" Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming. "Get rid of them all," Trump said.
Former U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in Orlando, Florida. | Joe Raedle/Getty Images
'HOME COOKING' — "Poll of GOP activists has Gov. DeSantis favored to win 2024 nomination if Trump doesn't run," by Sarasota Herald-Tribune's Zac Anderson: "A poll of grassroots conservative advocates gathered in Orlando Sunday had Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis favored to win the GOP presidential nomination in 2024 if former President Donald Trump decides not to run again. DeSantis received 43% of the vote among those gathered for the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, the biggest event of the year in conservative politics. The Florida governor was well in front of South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who came in second with 11% support, and Donald Trump Jr., who was in third place with 8% support."
'I HAVEN'T SPOKEN TO HIM' — "Florida Senator Marco Rubio defends his vote to acquit Donald Trump," by CBS Miami's Jim DeFede: "During an interview with CBS Miami, Florida Senator Marco Rubio acknowledged Donald Trump bears 'some level of responsibility' for inciting the crowd leading up to the January 6 Capitol riot, but Rubio also argued it was an isolated incident because in the four years since Trump was elected, 'the President spoke on almost a daily basis and there weren't daily riots.' Rubio also said he hasn't spoken to the former President since November but expects to talk to him soon. Rubio is running for re-election in 2022."
COMING ATTRACTIONS— "Florida Legislature convenes with many pandemic changes, familiar Republican agenda," by Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau's Lawrence Mower, Mary Ellen Klas, Kirby Wilson and Ana Ceballos: "Florida's 40 senators and 120 representatives will convene Tuesday in Tallahassee for one of the strangest legislative sessions in the Capitol's history. Lobbyists won't be roaming the halls, seeking out lawmakers to cajole and persuade. The public won't be packed into committee rooms to protest controversial bills. Most (not all) will be wearing masks. But while the surroundings will be different, the agenda, advanced by the Republicans who control the Legislature, might not be."
The agenda — "Instead, their committees have worked quickly to advance conservative DeSantis priorities that have little to do with average Floridians, including a controversial anti-riot bill, measures that crack down on 'Big Tech' companies and bills that prevent businesses from being sued for spreading COVID-19. 'To the victor go the spoils, and they're going for it,' said Sen. Gary Farmer, D-Plantation, who leads the Senate Democrats, a minority that can do little to stop GOP legislation."
FINALLY, SOMETHING ON FLORIDA'S UNEMPLOYMENT SYSTEM — On the eve of the 2021 session, Department of Economic Opportunity executive director Dane Eagle will go before the Senate Select Committee on Pandemic Preparedness and Response to present the findings included in a 204-page report dropped late Friday night. That report calls for an extensive overhaul of the state's badly flawed unemployment portal known as CONNECT. The state paid ISF $247,000 for the study.
Hefty price tag— The report recommends creating a cloud-based system to replace the one a DeSantis adviser called a "s— sandwich." The ISF report also estimates that nearly $156 million will be needed over the next two years to keep the CONNECT system intact while a modernization project is also put in place.
Bill coming— In a press release noting the report, DEO also said that legislation would be sponsored by Sen. Aaron Bean and Rep. Chip LaMarca to create "the Office of Economic Accountability and Transparency and the Reemployment Assistance Modernization Strategic Planning Office to drive continuous modernization efforts" inside DEO.
And a proposal to hike benefits— Sen. Jason Brodeur, a central Florida Republican, also filed a bill on Friday that would hike the maximum weekly unemployment benefit from $275 to $375. Democrats have filed bills that call for increasing benefits but legislative leaders like House Speaker Chris Sprowls had been skeptical about making such a move, arguing it would lead to tax hikes on businesses that pay into the unemployment compensation trust fund.
COUNTER OFFER — " Sprowls unveils $100M sea level and flooding package," by POLITICO's Bruce Ritchie: House Speaker Chris Sprowls said Friday his proposed legislative package to address sea level rise and flooding would provide $100 million per year for local projects, which is less than Gov. Ron DeSantis has requested.
No borrowing — "In order to protect Floridians in their homes, their backyards, and their communities, we are introducing a suite of bills to address flooding — one of the most pressing issues of our time," Sprowls said in a written announcement. The source of the funding will be determined during the budget writing process but will not be bonding, Sprowls spokesperson Jenna Sarkissian told POLITICO. DeSantis earlier this month said he is requesting bonding for $1 billion over four years, including $165 million in the 2021-22 state budget.
FRIED CRITICIZES HOUSE— "Florida ag commissioner pounces on GOP push for THC caps," by POLITICO's Arek Sarkissian: Florida House Republicans have officially proposed THC caps for medical cannabis, drawing criticism from Democratic state Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, who said the plan will damage Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis' chances of reelection next year.
What happened— State Rep. Spencer Roach (R-North Fort Myers) filed FL HB1455 (21R) late Friday night. The bill seeks a 10 percent cap on the concentration of THC found in smokable marijuana and a 60 percent cap on products such as distillates and concentrates. It would also limit state-certified marijuana doctors to recommend 15,000 milligrams of THC for patients to use every 35 days.
CLOSED OFF — " Ordinary citizens will largely be left out in the 2021 legislative process," by Florida Phoenix's Danielle J. Brown: "For Floridians who want to engage in the process of creating laws and providing testimony, access in general will be limited and residents with disabilities will face even more difficulties during the pandemic. What's more, the two chambers in the Legislature are inconsistent in their COVID protocols. In a Thursday briefing, a frustrated group of Florida advocates found little help in expanding public access, following a letter to several lawmakers."
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WORK TO DO— "Charlie Crist is eyeing a run for governor again. Florida Democrats might not care," by POLITICO's Gary Fineout: Rep. Charlie Crist switched parties almost a decade ago — but the party has moved on. As the former Republican prepares a potential bid to unseat Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, the 64-year-old Crist must somehow convince skeptical Democrats that he can energize the diverse coalition that now makes up the party. "I don't think he excites the part of the base that we need to propel a statewide campaign," said Thomas Kennedy, a newly-elected member of the Democratic National Committee from Florida. "I don't think a former Republican governor — who has lost statewide before and, quite frankly, hasn't been at the forefront of the battles that have roiled this county in the last four years — is going to be able to take on what's going to be a really tough race against Ron DeSantis."
Rebuttal— When asked whether he's the right candidate for this moment, Crist retorts: "I got two words: Joe Biden. Look at what happened in our last election." Though Biden managed to win the Democratic nomination and presidency, he lost to President Donald Trump in Florida, and the GOP picked up both congressional and legislative seats in an election that some view as evidence that Florida is losing its reputation as the nation's largest swing state.
Rebuttal, part 2— Crist cites several factors that he says make him a viable candidate, including that he lost to incumbent Gov. Rick Scott by just 64,000 votes in 2014. Crist notes the election was razor tight even though Scott substantially outspent him, including infusing nearly $13 million of his own money in the final days. "We still only lost by one point in a massive election where millions of votes were cast," Crist said in an interview with POLITICO. "It's not the most discouraging conclusion. Look, if I had lost by 10 or 20 points then — 'Peace. Out. You are done with this venture.'"
COMING ON BOARD— As Crist weighs whether to run for governor, he's bringing in some help. Joshua Karp is joining Crist's team as senior communications adviser. Karp is a veteran of political campaigns in Florida. He worked on Crist's 2014 campaign for governor and Andrew Gillum's campaign in 2018. For the last two years Karp served as a senior communications adviser for the campaigns of Georgia Sen. Jon Ossoff and Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison, who ran against South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham.
START OF SOMETHING? — " Why are thousands of Republicans leaving the party?" by Palm Beach Post's Christine Stapleton and Chris Persaud: "The Florida Republican Party has lost thousands of voters since the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last month and most of those leaving have renounced party labels altogether and become voters without a party. The overall number is low, a net loss of just under 5,000 voters. But it interrupts, at least for the moment, a years-long trend in which GOP voter registrations outpaced those of rival Democrats."
SHIFT COMING— "DeSantis expands COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to high-risk people under 65 at pharmacies, doctors' offices," by Orlando Sentinel's Lisa Maria Garza: "Gov. Ron DeSantis quietly expanded COVID-19 vaccine eligibility late last week to allow Floridians younger than 65 who have high-risk medical conditions to get the injections at doctors' offices and pharmacies. The governor signed an executive order late Friday that allows physicians, nurses and pharmacists to vaccinate people who 'they deem extremely vulnerable to COVID-19.' Previously, vaccines had only been available to people with 'high risk' conditions through hospitals, which were left to determine for themselves which conditions and patients qualified."
'IT'S TOTALLY UNFAIR' — "Vaccine pop-up clinics accused of favoritism draw strong community reaction," by Sarasota Herald-Tribune's Zac Anderson: "Palmer Ranch developer Hugh Culverhouse estimates that around 30,000 people are living there, if you assume 2.2 people for every dwelling unit. The majority of residents probably are over age 65 and would qualify for the COVID-19 vaccine, he said. But when Gov. Ron DeSantis looked to establish pop-up vaccine clinics at developments in Southwest Florida, Palmer Ranch didn't make the list."
Telephone line— "'DeSantis sure as hell didn't call me,' Culverhouse said, and he has a theory why. Unlike Lakewood Ranch-based developer Pat Neal, who was tapped by DeSantis to help coordinate a vaccine pop-up clinic in Charlotte County, Culverhouse hasn't donated to DeSantis and didn't serve on his transition team."
FORMER PROSECUTOR CHARGED — "North Florida ex-State Attorney Siegmeister indicted in federal extortion, bribery case," by Florida Times-Union's Steve Patterson: "Lake City's former state attorney has been indicted for conspiracy, extortion, bribery, fraud and tax crimes involving deals to settle court cases in Florida's 3rd Judicial Circuit. Jeff Siegmeister, 52, was arrested Friday in Arizona on charges mostly rooted in his conduct as the elected prosecutor from 2013 to 2019 for the sprawling rural district covering Columbia, Dixie, Hamilton, Lafayette, Madison, Suwannee and Taylor counties. M. Michael O'Steen, 41, a Dixie County attorney, was also indicted on conspiracy and extortion charges and pleaded not guilty Friday in Jacksonville's federal court."
— "Van-living ladies man from The Villages documentary says he had to leave town," by Tampa Bay Times' Christopher Spata: "The senior subjects of the documentary Some Kind of Heaven are taking different things away from their movie star experience. The production wrapped filming in Florida's massive planned community for retirees, The Villages, in the summer of 2019. It premiered a few weeks ago in theaters and streaming on demand. Dennis Dean, the 83-year-old California drifter who in the film cruises community pools looking for well-off women who might provide him a cushy lifestyle, said he's still crashing in his van and working his pick-up 'system.' He's just not in The Villages anymore."
BIRTHDAYS: Former Rep. Carlos Curbelo … State Rep. Travaris McCurdy … Sally Canfield, former deputy chief of staff for Sen. Marco Rubio … POLITICO's Lorraine Woellert ... Journalist and writer Rosanne Dunkelberger … (Was Sunday) Attorney Matthew Weidner … (Was Saturday) State Rep. Angie Nixon … Ryan Duffy, director of corporate communications at U.S. Sugar... Kathleen Haughney , assistant director for research communications at Florida State University ... MacKay Jimeson, managing director of Ember Global Advisors